SCA Participation: Reentry

I have been on an extended break from the SCA since… well, mostly since things went to shit in 2020. After talking it out with my Peer in November 2023, I decided that I’m gonna be re-entering SCA activity. A little bit. Slowly. With some in-person event attendance starting in 2024. My first event back will be East Kingdom Coronation in April.

There are some boundaries on what I’m going to participate in, for now:

– A&S only.

– No volunteering for any jobs besides teaching.

– No court.

These boundaries are for my mental health. They are about me managing triggers and my give/take balance, not personal issues with anyone in particular. I will not be taking counteroffers or arguments on why something should be an exception.

I am also changing my SCA name to something more aligned with my interests. For now, I am trying out something unregistered. If it works out, I will make it official (which may mean slight tweaking for registration), but for now anything in the OP will remain under my previous name (Finnguala ingen Néill meic Chuircc).

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